We assemble portfolios of common stocks with the objective of providing long term growth of capital. The foundation of our common stock portfolio construction is independent research and risk management. Our objective is to exceed the returns of the broad market with less risk to principal along the way. Avoiding large capital losses, especially during major market declines, has been the signature of our investment results. That performance characteristic has enabled us to protect our clients’ wealth yet provide growth of capital.
By combining our common stock portfolio management with some exposure to fixed income and other asset classes, we can further reduce the risk profile for clients seeking to reduce the volatility inherent in the equity market. Over time, this strategy seeks to provide the returns of the broad stock market with greater reduction of volatility.
Sophisticated investors often are approached to participate in Private Placements. We assist clients who would like to analyze private investments such as venture or angel capital investments, real estate, or other private investments. Our clients value this unbiased and objective analysis which combines qualitative factors as well as quantitative analysis and valuation.
We provide solutions to clients facing unique circumstances. We understand how to effectively manage the risk of a large holding of an individual stock by protecting the value of the asset from significant decline. We also work to increase the available income from a concentrated asset, or develop a plan to diversify such holdings while managing and controlling the tax implications. As in our traditional portfolio management, we approach these situations with an emphasis on the preservation of capital. These efforts are customized to achieve a specific set of client objectives.